ATS MyW-2 automates the distribution of electronic W-2’s and helps facilitate the correction process. Your W-2s remain available to employees for up to 7 years.
Our service is in full compliance with IRS regulations and offers secure, password-protected online access. Employees may view, print or email their W-2 from the current or prior years.
ATS MyW-2 can be configured to outsource the printing and distribution of paper W-2s as well. The forms are folded to create a sealed mailer with no envelopes. The W-2’s can be mailed directly to the employee or shipped to one or more locations for your distribution.
ATS MyW-2 is a seamless integrated service for all employees, no matter how they receive their W-2.

Employer Advantages
- Reduce printing and postage costs.
- Improve service and see a measurable return on investment.
- No software or hardware investment required.
- Provides online access for active and terminated employees.

Employee Advantages
- Access W-2s earlier than traditional mailing.
- View and print current or past W-2’s.
ATS MyW-2 System Overview

Online Employee Access
- Print and Email W-2
- Address and Email Update
- Export W-2 to Tax Filing Software
- Consent Authorization and Withdrawal

Employer Administration
- W-2 and W-2C Print, Email, Add, Update, Delete Functions
- Broadcast Message Display Area
- Online Proof Review and Approval
- Daily Audit and Employee Consent Reporting

Hosting and
- Daily back-up of W-2 Data
- SSL Encryption (2048 bit)
- W-2 retained online for 7 years
- Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Print, Mail and Efiling Services
- W-2 Print and Mail or Ship Services
- W-2 CD Creation Services
- W-3 and W-3C SSA Electronic Filing Services
- W-2 State Filing Services

MyW-2 is a Web-based product/service that allows organizations the ability to offer employees W-2’s over the Web.Fully secured and password protected
Single Sign-on is available
Login Page can be customized
ATS streamlines the process
ATS offers a simple 3-Step Process
Learn MoreATS will post the W-2s online and print the W-2s for the non-consenting employees