ATS My1098-T is an online web-based solution that provides your students with access to their 1098-T’s 24 hours a day 7 days a week. ATS My1098-T is a service that automates the distribution of electronic 1098-T’s and helps facilitate the correction process. With this service the 1098-Ts remain available to students for up to 4 years.
This service is in full compliance with IRS regulations and offers secure, password-protected online access. Students can access their 1098-T through a secure, web interface. They may view, print or email a 1098-T from the current or prior year. If the student still prefers a paper-based 1098-T, the system can accommodate them as well.
ATS My1098-T can be configured to outsource the printing and distribution of paper 1098-Ts. The 1098-T forms are folded to create a mailer that is sealed during production. There are no envelopes. The 1098-Ts can be mailed directly to the student or shipped to one or more locations for distribution. ATS My1098-T is a seamless integrated service for all students, no matter how they receive their 1098-T.

Bursar Advantages
- Reduce printing costs, forms costs, and postage costs
- No software or hardware investment required.
- Improve service and see a measurable return on investment.
- Reduce the usual flood of phone calls — display box detail and frequently asked questions.
- Eliminate the need to track down lost 1098-Ts to make copies.

Student Advantages
- Access 1098-Ts earlier than traditional mailing
- Eliminates the chance that the 1098-T will get lost, misdirected or delayed during delivery, or misplaced once the student or parent receives it.
- View and print current or past 1098-T’s when most convenient.
- Obtain additional 1098-T copies for reprint anytime and anywhere.
ATS MY1098-T SYSTEM Overview

Online Student Access
- Print 1098-T
- Email 1098-T
- Consent Authorization and Withdrawal

Bursar Administration
- 1098-T Print, Email, Add, Update, Delete Functions
- Broadcast Message Display Area
- Online Proof Review and Approval
- Daily Audit and Student Consent Reporting

Hosting and
- Daily back-up of 1098-T Data
- SSL Encryption (2048 bit)
- 1098-T retained online for 4 years
- Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Print, Mail and Efiling Services
- 1098-T Print and Mail or Ship Services
- 1098-T CD Creation Services
- IRS Electronic Filing Services
- IRS State Filing Services

My1098-T is a web-based product/service that allows organizations the ability to offer students 1098-Ts over the Web.Fully secured and password protected
Single Sign-on is available
Login Page can be customized
ATS streamlines the process
ATS offers a simple 3-Step Process
Learn MoreATS will print and mail or ship 1098-Ts