American Technology Solutions (ATS) provides a complete automated solution for managing, distributing, and administering Human Resources documents. ATS MyBenefits is an online web-based solution that provides both system administrators and employees online access to their benefit statement 24 hours a day 7 days a week. ATS MyBenefits is a service that automates the distribution of electronic documents and helps facilitate the entire process. With this employee self-service benefit statements remain available to employees for up to one year.
Employees can access their benefit statement through a secure, web interface. They may view or print their benefit statements. If the employee still prefers a paper-based copy the system can accommodate them as well.
ATS MyBenefits can be configured to outsource the printing and distribution of paper Benefit Statements. The statements can be mailed directly to the employee or shipped to one or more locations for your distribution. ATS MyBenefits is a seamless integrated service for all employees, no matter how they receive their information.

Employer Advantages
- Reduce printing costs, paper costs, and postage costs
- No software or hardware investment required.
- Improve service and see a measurable return on investment.
- Eliminate the need to track down lost benefit statements.
- Provides online access for all active employees.

Employee Advantages
- Eliminates the chance that the statement will get lost or misplaced.
- View and print benefit statement when most convenient, in the home or office.
- Obtain additional copies for reprint anytime and anywhere.

- Print and Email Benefit Statements
- Historical Benefit Information
- Access from Home, Office or Phone

Employer Administration
- View and Print Functions
- Broadcast Message Display Area
- Online Proof Review and Approval
- Daily Audit and System Access Reporting

Hosting and
- Daily back-up of Benefit Information
- SSL Encryption (2048 bit)
- Retained online for 1 year
- Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week

- Email Benefit Information
- Benefit Statement Print and Mail or Ship

MyBenefits is a web-based product/service that allows organizations the ability to offer employees benefits over the Web.Fully secured and password protected
Single Sign-on is available
Login Page can be customized
ATS streamlines the process
ATS offers a simple 3-Step Process
Learn MoreATS will post online and/or print and mail the statements